Meet our panel of lifestyle experts.
The Outspiration team is a diverse bunch, to say the least. In fact, if you were to ask them how they came to know one another, they honestly wouldn’t be able to tell you. A few of them met in college. Others knew one another from an assortment of jobs over the years. A couple are even related (by marriage.) Three of them have never even met in person!
The important thing is, they all have something in common: they are incredibly passionate about the activities that fill their days. Now, they want to share their adoration for their favorite lifestyle topics with the world and encourage others to turn their INspiration into OUTspiration.

Ron Davison: Environmental advocate. Bicyclist. Will work for chocolate.
Ron’s proudest point of outspiration is that he is out and living his life with no fear. His two greatest loves are Mother Nature and his career as a special education teacher, where he works with children of all ages to help them build the life skills they need to thrive.
What outspires him: Earth-friendly, LGBTQ+, Physical and Learning Disabilities

Julia Mitchell: Always on the clock. Side hustler. Loves an ‘80s-inspired power suit.
Julia knew from a young age she wanted to have a career that made her excited to wake up every day. Now in a top-level position with a financial services firm, she’s got her dream job alongside multiple side-income entrepreneurial ventures.
What outspires her: Career, Financial Health

Andrew Patterson: Book nerd. Dessert fiend. Feng shui enthusiast.
Being a patient care coordinator at an assisted living facility made Andrew see life in a completely different way, especially when it comes to aging. He’s studied several different religions to learn more about the world around him (and what may exist beyond it), and in his spare time, you can usually find him putting finishing touches (for the umpteenth time!) on the design and functionality of his home.
What outspires him: Aging, Home Decor & Design, Religion & Spirituality

Blake Powell: Recovering addict. Smoothie king. Wakeboarder.
Blake’s greatest gift is being sober after years of being a slave to alcohol. His addiction recovery helped him find fitness, and in turn, his workout routine helps keep him sober. Rain or shine, there are few things greater to him than spending a day outside.
What outspires him: Fitness, Health, & Weight Loss; Mental Wellness, Outdoor Recreation

Mandy Richardson: Mama. Maker. Nosher.
Being a stay-at-home mom is the most grueling but rewarding job Mandy has ever had. In addition to raising her kids (and multiple pets), she spends most of her free moments in the kitchen building on her culinary skills (she was a food critic before her little ones were born) and in her she shed creating her next DIY masterpiece.
What outspires her: DIY & Crafting, Food & Beverage, Parenting, Pet Care

Samantha Williams: Globetrotter. Coffee fanatic. Not opposed to hitch hiking.
Samantha doesn’t get much use out of her current lease. She’s out of town so often that she considers herself to be more of a nomad than a native of any one area. She’s got the wardrobe to prove her wanderlust: she picks up at least one new garment or accessory from every locale she visits.
What outspires her: Dating & Relationships, Fashion, Travel